"No man can become rich without himself enriching others"
Andrew Carnegie

Monday, April 16, 2012

What Are You Worried About?

WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 18:  Treasury Secretary ...WASHINGTON - (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)What Are You Worried About? Comments Off. Posted by Admin on Apr 15, 2012 in Investments | Comments Off. After exhibiting a devil-may-care attitude that sent stocks rocketing in the first quarter, investors have gone  into worry mode recently. Although stocks rebounded later in the week, they sold off sharply this past Monday and Tuesday on concerns over a worse-than-expected employment report issued on Good Friday.
And no doubt about it, there's plenty to fret about for those who are so inclined, including rising gas prices, the threat of rising interest rates, and the ramifications that slowing growth in China could have for the rest of the globe. To help tap into current investor sentiment (and sources of angst), I posted a query in the HandsOn forum of Morningstar.com's Discuss boards, asking readers to share what troubles have been topping their worry lists recently.
The posts poured in, with some readers ruminating on their personal situations, including the viability of their retirement plans and the financial stability of their children. Others noted that they're more concerned with the big picture: The U.S. deficit and political gridlock received repeat mentions as reasons for concern.

‘So Now What?'Personal balance sheets were top-of-mind for many posters. Several readers noted that they're concerned about their impending retirements, particularly given the volatility that has prevailed in the market during the past several years...Continue to read 

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