"No man can become rich without himself enriching others"
Andrew Carnegie

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stock Tips & News

Personal Finance Daily
JUNE 04, 2011

The week's 10 best Personal Finance stories

By MarketWatch

In case you missed them, here are the top 10 Personal Finance stories from MarketWatch for the week of May 31-June 3:

Top 10 cities in the U.S. to find a job: Monster

Friday's jobs data showed a labor market that's still struggling, but prospects are brighter for job seekers in some areas, according to new data from Monster.com.
Read more: Top 10 cities in the U.S. to find a job.

How to invest in the social-networking IPO boom

Call it a wave or a bubble, investors' enthusiasm for LinkedIn's recent IPO and the expected offerings of Facebook, Twitter, Groupon and other social-networking companies harks back to the frenzy over dot-com start-ups in the late 1990s. Is it different this time?
Read more: How to invest in the social-networking IPO boom.

Say goodbye to the office cubicle

Companies are increasingly creating offices where workers can be more productive and collaborative, where ever-important natural light shines on the masses and people are generally happier to go to work.
Read more: Say goodbye to the office cubicle.

Doctors stick patients with paperwork fees

Need a doctor to fill out a health form for your child's summer camp, school or day care? It may cost you extra.
Read more: Doctors stick patients with paperwork fees.

What to do with your 401(k) if you leave your job

If you quit your job, get laid off or retire, what should you do with your 401(k) savings? You've got a few choices, including just leaving it where it is.
Read more: What to do with your 401(k) if you leave your job.

5 money moves one U.S. bond bull is making now

The world according to David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist at Toronto-based investment manager Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc., features higher bond prices, low interest rates and $3,000 gold.
Read more: 5 money moves one U.S. bond bull is making now.

Treating Medicare's ills — and yours

There is plenty that current and future Medicare beneficiaries can do now and in the future to make sure they have adequate health-care coverage after age 65.
Read more: Treating Medicare's ills — and yours.

The best ETFs for dollar bulls or bears

Suddenly, after a nearly uninterrupted, decade long decline, the U.S. dollar seems to have changed course. Recent technical action and fundamental changes could well reverse that 10-year slide and offer investors in exchange-traded funds a chance for profits if the "almighty dollar" becomes mighty again.
Read more: The best ETFs for dollar bulls or bears.

Reverse mortgages affect benefits

Lew Sichelman answers readers' questions on how reverse mortgages can impact Medicaid benefits and qualifications, and also on what mortgage servicers can do to change reverse-mortgage payments.
Read more: Reverse mortgages affect benefits.

5 market signs to follow before buying junk bonds

As a rally in junk bonds extends into its third year, fund managers and financial advisers are warning investors to exercise extra caution before buying in.
Read more: 5 market signs to follow before buying junk bonds. 

Weekly Roundup
JUNE 04, 2011

The week's top 10 videos on MarketWatch

By MarketWatch

In case you missed them, here are the 10 most popular videos that appeared on MarketWatch for the week of May 30-June3:

How to play the end of quantitative easing

Trading Strategies looks at how investors should position themselves for the end of quantitative easing.
 Watch Video Report.

Investors aren't worried enough

Mark Hulbert tells Laura Mandaro investors aren't worried enough yet.
 Watch Video Report.

What P/E ratios say about stock market's next move

Are stocks heading for a further decline? Mark Hulbert says investors can glean some clues by looking at the price-to-earnings ratio of the S&P 500 in relation to its historical average. Interview with Laura Mandaro.
 Watch Video Report.

Dump the dollar

U.S. economic policy is debasing the dollar, says Axel Merk, manager of the Merk Hard Currency Fund. He tells investors to avoid the greenback and focus instead on countries with strong currencies, such as Sweden and Canada.
 Watch Video Report.

Samsung talks tablets

Samsung plans more tablets despite ongoing legal battles with Apple, and Computex, Asia's answer to Las Vegas's Consumer Electronics Show, starts this week, with Acer and Intel expected to make a splash. Andrew LaVallee and Jake Lee discuss.
 Watch Video Report.

Windows 8 demo

Three years after unveiling Windows 7, Microsoft Windows President Steven Sinofsky is back to show off a new version of Windows that's responsive to the growing popularity of tablet PCs and the advent of the cloud.
 Watch Video Report.

Flash war is over, Adobe CEO says

Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen says the argument with Apple over supporting its Flash software on the iPad and iPhone devices is over. "It's an argument that the press likes to continue bringing up," he said in a conversation with Walt Mossberg.
 Watch Video Report.

Southwest no longer a discount airline

Has "discount" carrier Southwest become just another big airline? It is now the most expensive airline in the U.S. on a cost-per-mile basis. Scott McCartney discusses how it is bumping up fares.
 Watch Video Report.

Transparency, Apple's one more thing

With the company actually announcing what will be shown at its developers' conference next week, are we getting a taste of the new Apple? Rex Crum reports.
 Watch Video Report.

Banks hit roadblocks to foreclosures

Banks trying to foreclose on homeowners are hitting another roadblock, as some delinquent borrowers are successfully arguing that their mortgage companies can't prove they own the loans. Nick Timiraos joins the Markets Hub to discuss.
 Watch Video Report.

The Daily Crux
Unemployment shocker: Joblessness is already at Great Depression levels
"It's impossible to overstate how bad this is..."
The simple answer to one of the world's most common money questions
How to decide whether to pay off your debt or maximize your retirement savings...
Stealth inflation is now creeping into your family doctor's office
"Just think of it as the medical industry's answer to the baggage charges now tacked on by airlines..."

For the Jobless, Little U.S. Help on Foreclosure

Programs already plagued by delays and poor participation were not designed to fully address unemployment, now the primary cause of foreclosures.

'For the Dogs' Has a Whole New Meaning

The pet industry has proved remarkably resilient to the downturn, as humans buy gourmet meals and bottled water for dogs.

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