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Andrew Carnegie

Sunday, September 9, 2012

German lawmaker lodges complaint with top court against ECB

Chancelor of the Federal Republic of Germany D...
Chancelor of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Angela Merkel signing autographs on the open door day at the Bundeskanzleramt in Berlin, Germany Français : Dr Angela Merkel, chancelière de la République Fédérale d'Allemagne, signe des autographes lors de la journée portes ouvertes de la Bundeskanzleramt à Berlin, en Allemagne. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
German lawmaker lodges complaint with top court against ECB bond plan. BERLIN (Reuters) - A lawmaker from Angela Merkel's conservatives has lodged a complaint with Germany's top court over the ECB's bond-buying program, saying this could mean the court has to postpone its ruling on the euro zone's bailout fund planned for Wednesday.
Germany's constitutional court is set to rule on a temporary injunction request against the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the fiscal compact for budget discipline in Europe.
Peter Gauweiler, one of the critics who filed a complaint with the court against the ESM immediately after the parliamentary vote on it, said in a statement on Sunday that the fund should not be ratified until the ECB rowed back on its plans unveiled on Thursday for potentially unlimited purchases of sovereign bonds.
"The ESM - as long as it is constitutional at all - should only be able to enter into power when the ECB has taken back its self authorization to become a hyper rescue fund," Gauweiler said in a statement.
"This possibly calls into question the plans for the announcement of the ruling on the ESM this coming Wednesday."
ECB President Mario Draghi unveiled plans last Thursday for potentially unlimited purchases of bonds of up to three years maturity from countries that request a European bailout and fulfill strict policy conditions. The German central bank chief was the sole dissenting voice in the decision.
A small but vocal eurosceptic minority of Merkel's centre-right MPs last week accused the ECB of writing a "blank cheque" to indebted euro zone states, and some threatened legal action to stop the purchases. 
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