"No man can become rich without himself enriching others"
Andrew Carnegie

Friday, June 29, 2012

Financial 'Armageddon' Will Happen Despite EU Deal: Rogers

English: American investor Jim Rogers in Madri...
English: American investor Jim Rogers in Madrid (Spain) during an interview. Español: El inversor norteamericano Jim Rogers en Madrid (España) durante una entrevista. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Financial 'Armageddon' Will Happen Despite EU Deal: Rogers ...“How many times has this happened in the last three years – they (EU leaders) have had a meeting, the markets have rallied, two days later the market says wait a minute this doesn’t solve the problem,” he said. Hoosier's note: I am also tired of all these charades...it's about time to 'show hand'. Even as markets cheered the agreement by European leaders to allow the direct use of the bloc’s bailout funds to recapitalize struggling banks, well-known investor Jim Rogers told CNBC the move does nothing to help solve the region’s biggest problem, which is its high debt levels. “Just because now you have a way to get them (the banks) to borrow even more money, this is not solving the problem, this is making the problem worse,” Rogers said on Friday.
“People need to stop spending money they don’t have. The solution to too much debt is not more debt. All this little agreement does is give them (banks) a chance to have even more debt for a while longer,” he added. ... Continue to read.
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