"No man can become rich without himself enriching others"
Andrew Carnegie

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What Are ETF And Mutual Fund Flows Telling Us?

Retirement (Photo credit: scottwills)
We often look to the ETF marketplace for clues into the sentiment of investors. A few of the key data points that we review are total assets and fund flows; creations and redemptions, each quarter. Below, as a point of reference, are the top largest ETFs, as measured by total assets, as of the end of the 1st quarter. The constituents of this list have not changed much in recent quarters.

ETF flow information for the 1st quarter of 2012, however, tells a very intriguing story. The story for ETFs, in fact, appears to be slightly different than the 2012 YTD story for mutual fund flows. With respect to the latter, stock-based mutual fund outflows rose to $1.19 Billion in February (this marked the 10th month in a row of net outflows) as flows to bond-oriented mutual funds rose according to Investor’s Business Daily... Continue to read.

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